PrimeTime Institute /
     ElderCare of Alachua County
Welcome to the PrimeTime Institute, a program of ElderCare of Alachua County.

A program of ElderCare of Alachua County, PrimeTime Institute (PTI) provides educational programs and social activities intent on keeping seniors active, healthy and participating in lifelong learning through low cost, sociable networking.  PTI is operated by volunteers and is self-funded through annual membership ($15 for September to August), donations, fundraising, etc.  You do not have to be a PTI member to attend our educational programs.  We appreciate a small donation from non-members, but not required.  We particularly appreciate the speakers that provide free programs for our seniors -- however, please understand that PTI does not endorse any company, product, or service.

ElderCare of Alachua County is a non-profit organization providing a wide variety of services for seniors such as Meals on Wheels, Alz Place, etc.  ElderCare operates the Senior Recreation Center.

As members of the 50+ crowd, we all have questions about how to cope as we age.  The PrimeTime Institute four or more hour-and-a-half programs per month offering information on topics important to the active 50+ population.  Local specialists and professionals such as authors, doctors, lawyers, college professors, artists, and area personalities present programs that cover a vast range of topics.
A cadre of volunteers arranges the programs to keep the 50+ participants informed, enlightened and entertained.  They encourage member suggestions for programs as our contacts grow out through the community.  Our intent is to keep our members active, healthy, and participating in lifelong learning in a low cost, sociable environment of their peers.

So, welcome!

This site with its various pages will keep you informed about who we are, what we are doing, and how you can join and be a part of the PrimeTime Institute.

Please get in touch to offer comments or join our mailing list. Send email to, or call Susan Williams at (352) 214-6219.

We need volunteers: Click HERE if you might help.


Field Trip to Leveda Brown
Environmental Park